I know I haven't been good about keeping up to date on this blog, but I will try and have a detailed update on here soon! In the past week I found out where I am going for outreach and a little more of what we will actually be doing.
I found out that for stateside I am going to Louisiana--I don't know much more than that for stateside--and the overseas outreach is Peru! I am very excited for both of these. In Peru we will experience quite a few cultures within nation itself. We will fly into Lima--capital of Peru--and stay for a few days before flying to the Amazon. We are flying into Iquitos which is a large jungle city (400,000 people) that is only accessible by plane or boat. We will be spending the next 2 weeks or so in the Amazon jungle living with different villages in the Amazon. There is no running water, and the electricity, if they have it, comes from a generator. Part of the focus of our mission is medical clinics. We are going down with a group of medical professionals and will be setting up clinics in the villages. I obviously won't be doing any medical procedures, but we will be assisting, praying with the people, and evangelizing in the villages. We will literally be living with the people. We will stay in the villages overnight, possibly sleep in hammocks under mosquito nets, shower by bucket, and our food is what they catch that day. Finally we will be going to a mountain city called Cusco. This is a large city seated 11,200 ft. above sea-level. The community is very poor and will be quite a different culture from the amazon.
I just found out today three roles that I will have when we are ministering to the people. First is our drama in which I am playing the role of satan in a drama called the clincher. Here is the link if you are interested in watching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlLs7U5DJYo. I also found out today I will be a clown and in a hip-hop dance...don't ask me how I landed a role in any of these! I hope this has given you a little insight as to what I will be doing during outreach!